Residential Services
Tennyson’s Residential Program provides services for youth age 6 to 14, who qualify for the Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP). These services are licensed by the residential childcare facility (RCCF) from the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) and the Health First Colorado Home and Community Based Services – Children’s Habilitation Residential Program.
The CHRP Waiver provides trauma-informed services for children and youth who have an intellectual or developmental disability with co-occurring mental health diagnoses whose behaviors require a level of support unable to be met in their homes, communities, or other lower levels of care.
Tennyson utilizes trauma-informed practices to build internal and external resources and protective factors as we recognize this population is at an increased risk of victimization throughout their lifetime. Interventions focus on areas of therapy, education, health, recreation, social skill development, independent living skills, and healthy relationships.
Within the program, clients will have support with activities of daily living, medical, psychiatric, and occupational services; as well as access to the broader community outside the Tennyson Center campus to ensure age-appropriate socialization and community engagement. Our philosophy is that children thrive in an environment that is predictable, patient, and playful.
Our Mission
The Tennyson Center for Children mission is to improve the mental health and wellness of those impacted by trauma and other adverse experiences.
Our Vision
At the Tennyson Center, we believe everyone has the opportunity and support needed to learn, grow, and thrive.
Our Values
Joyful | Compassionate | Curious | Authentic | Dependable
Community Based Programs
Tennyson’s Community-Based Program brings therapy and support services directly to children’s homes, schools, or any other place they can work towards thriving. Services include:
- Intensive in-home therapy
- Outpatient services
- Individual and family therapy
- Support services for families with kids 0-5
- Support groups/parenting classes for parents with teens
School and Day Treatment
Tennyson’s fully-accredited K-12 school provides a holistic education for kids whose trauma symptoms and needs are too great for public schools to meet. This program includes:
- Academic support
- Individual, family, and group therapy
- Occupational, speech, and recreational therapies
- Services for students with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, in addition to trauma
Making a Referral
We accept referrals from human services agencies, mental health centers, providers, schools, and parents/caregivers. Our admissions team responds to inquiries within 48 business hours. A brief screening by phone will be conducted to determine needs and discuss programming options.
Submit the completed PDF Referral Form via email: or fax: 303.433.9702. Submit the Online Referral Form through our secure, HIPAA-compliant system.

Contact Us
For more information about programs and services:
Phone: 303.731.4845