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Tyler was a 14-year-old foster youth who was struggling with issues surrounding unconditional love and dependency. In response, Tyler was making questionable decisions that were harmful to his health and development. Attempting to distract him and help expose him to…

Ms. Hernandez

Ms. Hernandez and her daughter were experiencing a giant upheaval in their lives. A recent event had disrupted and uprooted their daily routines. Ms. Hernandez reached out to Tennyson in search of emotional support for her daughter through our Families…


Maddie is eight years old. She and her half-sister Ariana have been living with a foster family until their parents are able to care for them again. Both of Maddie’s biological parents are healing from challenges that have kept them…


Five-year-old Marcus has struggled during COVID-19. He has felt more isolated and, as a result, his behavioral challenges have increased. He has struggled to engage with his therapist over telehealth, which has compounded these challenges. Seeing that things were not…


Andy went through a lot when COVID-19 hit. Having only attended a few in-person therapy session before stay-at-home orders, he struggled to continue working with his trauma and behavioral issues over telehealth. Nevertheless, Andy was dedicated to his healing work…


Adam is on the autism spectrum. He thrives in routine, though his has been upended during the pandemic. He used to see his therapist in person - a grounding experience he could count on each week. The shift to telehealth…


Arriving at Tennyson from an abusive home one winter with only a suitcase full of belongings, Amber was hesitant to get close to anyone – let alone socialize. Nevertheless, a couple of summers ago she worked up the nerve to…


When Ava started with CBS, she was only 5-years old and experiencing outbursts at home that were aggressive, destructive, and noisy, making life at home very chaotic for the family. Despite setbacks, this family has made leaps and bounds through…


Amy struggled when she first started to attend school at Tennyson. She would not make eye contact or speak to the staff or her peers. If Amy was asked a question she would either respond with a few words or…

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